Marc Bistricer began playing squash at age 12 and has become a talented squash player since then. When he competed in tournaments, he was fiercely competitive and irresistible because he marched to the beat of his own drum and injected excitement into every match. Referees have been challenged by Mark's go-for-broke attitude, but they will enjoy watching him play!
Athlete Marc Bistricer is one of the many Canadians ranked among the top 100. Both the National Squash Academy Open and the Costa Rica Open de Squash brought him to the quarterfinals in 2014, and the MAA Invitational gave him the crown in 2017.
Marc Bistricer, is also an amateur abstract painter who creates abstract art. To express himself through visual language, he uses pure color and expressive marks in his paintings. He emits special magic with his work, which is spiritual and moving all at once. He has exhibited in many galleries across the USA.
During his time at the University of Toronto, he earned a Bachelor's degree in Professional Kinesiology and a Master's degree in Professional Kinesiology.