Marc Bistricer: The Unconventional Talents of a Squash PlayerWhen it comes to the world of squash, Marc Bistricer is a name that stands out. A talented player with a unique style, Marc’s journey in…May 19, 2023May 19, 2023
Tips for Playing Squash by Marc BistricerSquash is a high-intensity sport that requires speed, agility, and endurance. It is a great way to improve your fitness, develop your…Mar 21, 2023Mar 21, 2023
How to Improve Your Squash Game: Tips and TricksSquash is a dynamic and challenging sport that requires a combination of physical and mental skills to succeed. Whether you are a beginner…Mar 21, 20231Mar 21, 20231
How to be a Successful Squash Player: Tips from Marc BistricerSquash is a sport that requires a combination of physical and mental skills to succeed. It requires speed, agility, strength, endurance…Mar 21, 2023Mar 21, 2023
Can Squash Be Played by Everyone?There is no doubt that squash is a fast and furious sport that requires a high level of mental concentration from its players. Many people…Feb 16, 2023Feb 16, 2023
Stress Reduction Benefits of Playing Squash — Marc BistricerYou can reduce stress levels and improve your well-being by playing squash. This is due to the fact that it releases tension and builds…Feb 16, 2023Feb 16, 2023
Stress Reduction Benefits of Playing Squash — Marc BistricerYou can reduce stress levels and improve your well-being by playing squash. This is due to the fact that it releases tension and builds…Feb 16, 2023Feb 16, 2023
3 Ways to Generate More Power in Squash3 Ways to Generate More Power in SquashJan 17, 2023Jan 17, 2023
Can You Play Squash Alone?Squash courts are usually occupied by 2 players at a time, either playing competitively or friendly. When you have a squash match with a…Jan 17, 2023Jan 17, 2023
How Many Serves Do You Get In Squash?Throughout the world, squash is a popular racket sport. Several rules govern this sport, and learning them and remembering them can be…Jan 17, 2023Jan 17, 2023
Why Playing Squash Is Good For Reducing Stress LevelsSquash is a fantastic game for reducing stress levels and improving your well-being. That’s because it helps to release tension and build…Jan 17, 2023Jan 17, 2023
Marc Bistricer — The Basics of Squash GameMarc Bistricer is a squash player who has won multiple championships and competed in major tournaments. He knows his stuff and has written…Mar 29, 2022Mar 29, 2022
Local Announcement: Marc Bistricer: Squash RulesIt is a racket sport that is played indoors, with two players and a small rubber ball. Players take turns hitting the ball with their…Dec 28, 2021Dec 28, 2021